Saturday, September 6, 2008

Yard work & toads

Today Josh and the boys worked in the front yard to try to get it looking more like a garden and less like a forrest. The bugs are SO bad in the yard that we are hoping that not only will it look better but that this will help cut down on getting so many bug bites!!!! We bought the boys their own working gloves and garden tools to help and they did such a good job. The highlight of their work was finding LOTS of toads hiding out in the overgrown ferns we were removing. When I was washing the outside of the windows, I would hear a rustling noise in the garden and could not find out what it was. Well, now I know....toads and lots of them. Needless to say once I came across them I decided to watch and not help :) Anyways, below are some of the pictures I took today. I wish I would have had a movie camera as Austin was so funny with the toads. When they would find one, he would get real excited and start screaming and laughing every time they jumped. Aiden is really good at cathing them and holding them so Austin could check them out. You would see the toad hopping down the sidewalk and Aiden trying to catch it as Austin jumps behind him screaming and laughing!!!! Too cute!!!!! Anyways, below is also a picture of a big toad Josh found. Aiden said it must be the "daddy toad" so I got a picture. We still have alot of work to do out front as it is a mess so I am sure there will be more pictures to come!!!!


Anonymous said...

as much as i hate toads, those little guys are kinda cute haha but i would've been sitting back watching the fun too!! looks like a fun day for everyone!!

Andria Jacomet said...

How cute!! I mean the boys, not the toads!! haha!
They are getting so big!! Georgie has that same shirt that the boys were wearing!!