Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We had a great Christmas with the boys this year. They are at such a great age for Christmas. The hotel here on base that held some of the Christmas activities had great decoration so we took some pictures there. Aiden made reindeer food at school and was thrilled to set that out along with Santa's cookies and milk. Austin went right to bed but Aiden was so excited for Santa to visit that he went back to bed at 8pm but did not fall asleep until almost 11pm!!!!! Needless to say Santa was waiting patiently for him to fall asleep :) On Christmas day the boys woke up and were ready to go. Aiden read all the name tags and handed all the gifts out. They both were so happy with the presents and have spent the last several days since Christmas playing so nicely together with them. I will be sad to see school start back up next week and I have enjoyed my time with BOTH boys being home all day!!!! We are looking forward to the New Year and new adventures!!!!


milli said...

looks like you all had a great christmas!!! see you all in a few months!!! give my junebugs a hug for me!!!