Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tiger World

I have been on the hunt for things to take the boys and go do during the weekends. As many of you know, I HATE sitting at home and not doing anything. I have found many different things I hope to try during our 2 yrs here in Seoul. However, the one thing I insist Josh and I take the kids to go do is an indoor park called "Tiger World". I almost fell over when I came across this and viewed the website. Maybe some of the larger cities in the US have things like this but the small towns I am used to never have anything like this. Check it out for yourself and let me know what you think. It is pretty expensive so it will not be something we can do often but will be awesome to check it out a few times. On the link below, it will have the different pictures come up and then at the top of the website you can look at the different sections more in depth. We want to do the waterpark and kids corner. The ski section would be nice for us adults :)

We will be sure to take lots of pictures when we go. We think we may go sometime between the boy's birthday this year.


Michael, Rachel, and Elijah Hackett said...

Tiger World looks AMAZING! =)
If/when you go, I definitely want to see pics!